
Welcome - Willkommen - Bienvenida - Bem-vinda - Добро пожаловать

I’m a developer focusing on Web Development, DevOps and Cloud Computing. My current occupation is at QuinScape GmbH in Dortmund. I enjoy creating tunes in my spare time, as well as starting DIY projects, creating weird games and mastering Pen and Paper Rpgs. You can contact me here or per Email. For more details about me visit about. You can also find stuff I make under ziegel.me.

Current Projects

  • RPG - An CRM based on Django to organize Pen and Paper role-playing rounds
  • PomoPlay - An gamification of the famous Pomodoro Technique for day structuring. Made with Python and react.
  • ziegel.me - Personal website and collection of different tools.
  • GitHub - Collection of some more projects on Github
  • GitLab - Collection of some more projects on GitLab.